Industry News

What are the main types of thickeners?


According to the relative molecular weight of thickeners, there are low-molecular thickeners and high-molecular thickeners: Among them, low-molecular thickeners and high-molecular thickeners can be further classified according to the functional groups contained in their molecules. There are inorganic thickeners, celluloses, fatty alcohols, fatty acids, ethers, polyacrylates and associative polyurethane thickeners, etc.

Thickener type:

There are many substances that can be used as thickeners, and there are more than 40 kinds of thickeners that are most commonly used. There are 55 kinds of thickeners included in the current national standard "GB 2760-2014 Food Safety National Standards for the Use of Food Additives". There are many ways as follows.

According to the chemical structure and composition of thickeners, they can be divided into two categories: polysaccharides and polypeptides. Among them, polysaccharide thickeners include starch, cellulose, pectin, alginic acid, etc., which are widely distributed in nature. Polypeptide thickeners mainly include gelatin, sodium caseinate and cheese crisp, etc. These substances have limited sources, high prices, and few applications.

According to the ionic properties of thickeners, it can also be divided into two categories, namely, ionic thickeners, such as alginic acid, sodium carboxymethylcellulose and starch, etc.; non-ionic thickeners, such as propylene glycol sodium alginate, Hydroxypropyl starch, etc.

What are the main types of thickeners? What are the main types of thickeners? What are the main types of thickeners?